Principles We Try To Abide By

  1. We follow best practices and try not to reinvent the wheel. If that means encryption or policies or any area across the enterprise, then we try to stick with the tried and true tested methods. Instead of creating custom methods.
  2. Things are iterative and can always be continuously improved.
  3. Security is layered and implemented to create multiple protections.
  4. We leverage automation and continuous monitoring to the best of our ability.

Data Protection

For data in transit, we use best practices of using HTTPS encryption. For data at rest we store it using encryption. In addition, our data has cross regional disaster recovery capabilities.

Product Security

We leverage third party penetration testing and automated Vulnerability scanning to ensure product security. As well, by following our principles we continuously improve and choose best engineering practices.

Data Privacy

We strive to be trustworthy and leverage the best security practices available. Click here to view our page on Privacy.

If you would like to know more, then please contact [email protected] with security or privacy in the subject line.